Launched my web site today. Amron Jewels is now live. It was terrifying and exciting all at one time. I have heaps more jewels to upload. There is still lots of work to do.
I've decided to keep my jewels separate from my beads. So beads and findings will be offered to you through my Amron Jewels ebay store only. All beads and findings on my ebay store are free of postage & shipping costs within Australia. So, keep your eye on the store or make it a favourite.
Now that the Amron Jewels website is up and running I will be spending more time on tidying up and organizing the Amron Jewels ebay store properly, lots more to upload there but will take a little time.
If there is something you know I had in the store and you'd like to purchase just email me through Amron Jewels ebay store or through
Congratulations. It looks terrific. ;-)